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Hi there! I'm Lilliana Eckart, foundress of this blog. I enjoy writing, watching, reading, and fawning over anime and book characters (basically, non-existent people). I'm that type of person who squeals whenever she's excited over something completely irrelevant.


This is my first ever blog post and I'm super excited to get started! Although I did only get super hyped about it 3 years ago, anime, manga, and fandoms have been a huge part of my life. Sometimes, they're the only thing that gives me the energy to get through the day.


That's why I've decided to dedicate this blog to reacting and commenting on some of my favourite fandoms and anime shows! If you enjoy Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, those types of novels, you're in luck because I believe that I'll be doing a lot from those series! Here, the comment section is always free and available and I'd love to see what you think!


I need a little guidance too because I'm a bit inexperienced when it comes to blogging. Although I may seem like an extrovert, deep, deep down, I'm terrified of basically any form of socializing, so people aren't really my thing.


I'm hoping to do at least one blog post each week, but it mostly depends on my never-stable schedule. Do you like novels and/or anime and manga? Or are you a proud fangirl/boy like me? If your answer is yes to any of those two questions then this blog will (hopefully) make you feel content.


My viewers mean a lot to me and it would be better if you could drop a few recommendations and comments here and there to help me create a better blog for everyone to enjoy.


Any type of comment would be cherished and deeply appreciated, whether they're positive or negative things about my blog, I'd love to know. If you want to contact or speak to me privately, my email is:


I'm hoping to turn this simple anime/fandom blog into a community where we can all share our ideas, but I can't accomplish that goal myself. If you like anything that I mentioned here, please be sure to read my posts!


-Lots of love,

                   Lilly <3 

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