Hi there and welcome back to Eckheart! It's Lilliana here, and today, I'm excited to share with you another design collection! It's been a few months so I've gotten a little rusty . . .
But I hope you can enjoy the storyline! So daughter/son/child of Poseidon, it's time to explore that casual yet powerful aura of yours!


I'll admit, I wasn't quite happy with the result of these two. I was going for a streetwear style of clothing to match Poseidon's luxury modest but I lost myself while looking at all the other beautiful blue outfits and eventually lost the flow of these (ಥ_ಥ)
The sun shone brightly in your eyes. You squinted, bringing your hand over to block out the bright rays. "Hey, Y/N!", Percy shouted from below the hill. "It's training time! Don't take too long! We're going against the Hephaestus Cabin today! Time to show that little, fire-breathing, brat-".
"Perseus Jackson!", Chiron cut in, "Language!".
Percy was hurt, "B-but I didn't even say anything-".
"Enough! I told you to get Y/N and this is how you act? Honestly . . .", Chiron chided.
Percy pouted and Annabeth came to flick his forehead, laughing and dragging him to the training grounds. You giggled too, my brother could sure be a dunce sometimes.
Blessed by the Prophecy - Questing!

Time for your quest! I actually quite liked how these two turned out! Although I did dive deeper into Korean fashion in the second outfit, I still loved the aesthetic! Whoever designed these are amazhang~
"Y/N!", Rachel Elizabeth Dare gasped as she felt a powerful pulse towards you.
"I-I think the next prophecy . . . was sent to be done by you!".
You blinked, "M-me? But I'm nothing special!". If they had wanted someone, they could've asked my brother instead, what's this got to do with me?.
"Don't be ridiculous!", Rachel snorted, "Anyways, sit down here. It's time to reap what you sow".
You huffed, "I never wanted to sow anything anyways".
Rachel rolled her eyes playfully, "It's a given. You're the child of Poseidon anyways. Your power can't go to waste".
You begrudgingly agreed, feeling the weight of the powerful words said to you. Oh well, Y/N, I guess you deserve a time to shine too, you thought to yourself.

. . . Ok, I'm afraid I might've gotten a tad too overboard with these two. But I was too obsessed with the girly side of streetwear and I just knew I had to show off this cultured sense of fashion to the world! So here you have it: Streetwear in all its baddie, girly glory.
It was your last night as a camper before you were to leave the next morning. You sighed, hearing the crackling of the fire and not wanting to leave your home.
"Y/N!", your best friend shouted and sat next to you. "Ugh, what's with that face?", he scowled at you, "You look dead. Here, have some nectar", he shoved the nectar in your face.
You returned the scowl, "Jee, thanks, Micah. You sure are thoughtful", you continued sulking.
"Girl, if you don't stop sulking, Jacob is gonna think I have a thing for emo's", Micah joked.
You snorted, "You two are super close anyways, besides I promised to set you two up on the quest, didn't I?".
Micah turned to you, starry-eyed, "Y/N . . . you're the best! I love you!", he jokingly sent kisses to you.
You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, yeah I know", you turned your head back to the campfire. "Let's just enjoy the campfire for tonight. It'll be our last one for a few days at least".
A firecracker was lighted and ignited above you. You turned around to face the whole camp, cheering and loving. Some were crying and some were just drunk. You didn't mind the last bit, it happened often anyways.
"Congrats Y/N! We wish you all the best! We know you can do it!", Everyone cheered, hoisting plastic wine glasses into the air. Some people were flopping on each other and others were kneeling before you and crying. You laughed, I'll miss this place.

Despite how much I adore streetwear, I figured it'd be hard to step into bed with chains. So I decided to swap it out for a simple and beautiful shell necklace instead. Hope you enjoy your night! Cherish it <3
"Hey, Perce?", you asked your half-brother in the middle of the night.
You were answered with a snort. You sighed, annoyed. You flipped off your top bunk and landed on Percy's bed below you. Then, you proceeded to repeatedly whack his face with your plushie before he opened one eye.
"Hmm . . . Y/N? Go to bed, I'm sleepy", Your half-brother rolled onto his side and slept.
You grew increasingly annoyed, "Perce. Perce. Percy! PERCYYY!".
You huffed, knowing only one thing could get you out of this dilemma, "Brother, Santa's stealing your blue cookies again!".
Percy banged his head on your bunk, eyes wide and hair a mess. You burst into fits of laughter. Percy looked at you with a lethal glare. "You . . . woke me up . . .for nothing?".
You gulped. A typhoon of water came your way. You froze the water into jagged ice and sent it his way. Percy unfroze the ice, used the water to soak the pillows and threw it at you with rapid speed. You screamed as one hit you. Laughing, you froze the wet pillows and watched as it stubbed Percy's toe.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow", Percy hopped about on one leg. You unfroze the ice and let it fall to the floor. You helped your brother onto his bed.
"You shouldn't be allowed to freeze water", Percy complained.
You laughed, "I guess I'm just special", you said smugly. You refroze some water and shaped it around Percy's toe to numb the pain.
Your brother tucked your hair behind your ears, the fight just seconds ago was long forgotten. "I know you are, sis. That's why you'll make everyone proud".
You waited for a few seconds before . . .
"Just like I did", Percy said, nose high up in the air.
"Ughh, Perce! You just had to ruin the moment!".
Percy laughed, "But no kidding this time. There's something special about you Y/N. Just . . . be careful on your quest. I don't want you dying on me, okay?".
You nodded and playfully punched his shoulder, "Have some faith in me, bro. I promise I'll take care of myself".
Percy stared back at you with tired eyes, as if re-living all his own quests, "Yeah . . . you're right. I trust you, Y/N. Be careful out there. Remember: your big bro will always be here for you".
You smiled softly, "Right back at cha, Perce".
Aww, how sweet. On that note, Goodnight Y/N! Your story begins now, and it's up to you how you want to play it.
- Lot's of Love,
Lilly <3
