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The Name Alethea - Luke X Reader Sequel: Chapter 2

Updated: Sep 2, 2022

Would you look at that. I really outdid myself this time, haven't I? Rather than being a day late, I've now been a whole week late! 😁😅 (I'm starting to heavily question my life choices) That aside, welcome back to Eckheart! It's Liliana here today, presenting the second piece to 'The Name Alethea' fanfic! I hope you enjoy!

Presenting The Name Alethea

Chapter 2

The Nightmares of a Heroine

"So . . . don’t forget to remind me, Golden Boy!"


1988, Westpoint Connecticut, US

5-year-old Y/N squealed loudly as her father came up behind her and grabbed her, “Grawrr, I’m Medusa and I’m here to eat you!”, he exclaimed.

You stopped playing and slowly turned your head around to look at your father dead straight in the eyes, “Father. What did you just say?”, you said threateningly.

Your father sweated as your mother came in with a basket of laundry.

“H-honey, what is Medusa again?”, he asked her.

Your mother gave him a slightly disappointed look, “Darling, at this rate, even Y/N knows more than you. Medusa is a ‘she’ not an ‘it’ and she was a priestess of Athena. Poseidon did something terribly bad to her and she was cursed by Athena to grow snakes on her head rather than hair. Everyone who was seen by her was turned to stone. After that, she got killed and now her head can be found on Athena’s shield”, Your mother explained.

Father slowly turned to you, hand scratching his head nervously, “I’m sorry, Y/N-”

Tears gathered in your eyes, threatening to drop, “I-I can’t believe you, Father! Father never listens to little Y/N! Y/N is unloved by Father!”, you bawled as you ran from the room, your father following closely behind you.

Your father sighed, clearing his throat, “Mwahahaha! I’m Medusa and if you don’t stay still, I’ll turn you into stone!”, he playfully threatened as he picked you up again and threw you up in the air.

“Kyaaaa- hahaha!”, You squealed as you fell from the sky.

Your mother looked at the both of you, “Be careful you two. We don’t want any injuries before Luke’s and Y/N’s playdate, do we?”

“Yes Ma’am”, The both of you saluted in unison, Y/N still in her father’s arms.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and your mother dusted herself off before going over to open it.

Luke and his mother were at the door, the little boy hiding behind his mother’s legs. When the door opened, he shouted your name in excitement and left his stable post by his mother’s side and the both of you hugged.

May and your mother shouted out their names in excitement and hugged each other. May passed on a cup of coffee to your mother and you ran to her before she had to go.

“Honey, I’m off. Could you please fold the clothes for me, please”, Your mother pecked your father on your lips.

“Another extra shift on a Saturday afternoon? You women sure work hard”, Your father fixed the scarf on your mother’s shoulders.

“We sure do. Goodbye, my little Y/N! I’ll see you later! Be sure to take care of your father while I’m gone, okay?”

The door clicked and she was gone. You lifted your hands up with excitement, “Yay”, you cheered, “I can play as much as I want with Golden Boy now!”

“Why do you call him Golden Boy, Y/N?”

“He has a golden airy thing around him, Father. Can’t you see it too?”

Your father laughed, “Sure, sure. Anyways, you kids have fun. I’m going to fold the clothes”

“Alethea!”, Luke shouted, “I’m over here!”

“Huh, why are you by the cupboards, Golden Boy?”

“Lookie what I found here!”

The both of you gasped, “Cookies!”

“So this is where mother’s secret stash of cookies was! How did you find it, Luke?”

“I dunno, I just felt like it was here. Anyways, here, have some”, Luke passed the cookie tin to you.

You looked at him sceptically, “Are you sure you should be having this, though? You’re only 2 years old. Mother said to take good care of you . . . “

“I’m 2 and a half! And besides, feeding me is taking good care of me. Isn’t that right, Big Sister Y/N”, Luke reasoned.

You looked at him but couldn’t find any reasons that go against his argument, “Alright then!”, he grabbed your hand, “Let’s go!”

You flinched at his touch.

“Oh. I’m sorry, Y/N”, Luke recoiled, looking extremely guilty.

“No, give me your hand!”, You snatched it back, wincing through the void of visions threatening to pour into your mind, “So what if I get another bad dream?! The Luke I know is stronger than any of the other Luke’s in my thoughts! I just need to remind myself of who you are and then I know that you’ll be safe! So . . . don’t forget to remind me, Golden Boy!”, You stated bravely.

Luke stared back at you with starry eyes, “Okay! I will! Don’t worry, Y/N! I’ll always be here to remind you!”, Luke stated.

“Good! You better be! Now that that’s out of the way . . . Do you wanna hear another story?”, You asked.

His eyes lit up, “I love all your stories Y/N! I can’t wait to meet a centaur one day!”

“One of my dreams told me you will!”

Luke pouted, “I don’t like your dreams. They always make you so sad. You get headaches too. Luke doesn’t like that”

H-how precious . . .

I was right to keep him! Ehehehe.

“Don’t worry, this dream was a good one. I’ll tell you about it too. But first . . . “

You mischievously turned to your father’s room.

“Luke”, you smiled evilly, “I have an idea”

30 seconds later . . .

“Hello, Mr Miller!”, Luke bubbled about brightly.

“Oh, Luke. How can I help you, little boy?”, Your father asked kindly.

Luke turned to the door where you hid behind, looking quite guilty again. You gave him the thumbs up to encourage him to go on. He sighed before turning to your father. Pulling out a toy stick, Luke bopped your father’s ankle with it and your father fell asleep on the clothes.

“Yay!”, You cheered, “You’re amazing, Luke!”, You high-fived him.

Luke’s face flushed, “I-I guess so. Thanks, Y/N”.

“It’s story time now. Sit, sit”, Y/N patted down the place next to her, “Yesterday I . . . “, Y/N explained her recounts, starting from the most recent the the incident last week with a baby cyclops.

Luke sat and stared in wonder as he imagined everything as if he were there.

“I’ve only seen Nymphs though, Y/N. How do you see all these different types of creatures?”

“Just look around, Luke! The adults can’t see it, but we can! There’s magic all around us! One day, you’ll be the one who sees all these creatures before me; I can feel it!”, You spoke brightly.

“When I do, I promise to tell you all about it! To repay you for all the times you told me”, Luke beamed.

“You better!”, You cheered, “I’ll be waiting for these stories”.

“I am too, Y/N! I’ll go on the biggest journeys and take you with me, so you can see these creatures with me too! Let’s grow up quickly so we pass the height requirement for riding the Pegasi!”, He proudly stated, as if the words ‘Height requirement’ were in need of some praise.

“Right!”, you laughed.

I'll make sure Luke doesn't follow the path in my dreams. I'll watch as those 'Fates' crumble. I’ll be sure to pave a new future for both of us!

One where Luke can be safe, holding my hand.

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