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The Name Alethea - Luke X Reader Sequel: Chapter 3

Hello again, it's Lilliana here! Welcome back to Eckheart! Luckily for you, my beloved viewers, I haven't been a week late today! It's just a day late but we don't need to be so detailed about that . . . 👌😇. As your writer, I proudly present the latest chapter of 'The Name Alethea': 'Aunt May'!

Presenting The Name Alethea

Chapter 3

Aunt May

"“I’ll watch over him even if you didn’t ask me to, Aunt”


1988, Westpoint Connecticut, US

“Woaaaahhhhhh, the lake is so pretty today!”, 5-year-old Y/N squealed, holding tightly onto her woven hat as the wind attempted to push it off her blowing, gorgeous locks.

“It is, isn’t it?”, Y/N’s mother beamed, “C’mon now, you old man”, she jested at her husband.

“Hurry Father! Aunt May is waiting!”, Y/n ordered, turning around on her heel and shaking her finger at him, her face frowning in disapproval.

“Hold on, Y/N”, your father chuckled, “I’m still trying to learn how to use this camera”, he reasoned. “We wouldn’t want your mother to look off in the photos for our date tonight”.

The flattery reached her mother who gushed and held her hands to her chest. Y/N’s face contorted into one of disgust, two can play that game.

“That’s not true!”, Y/N smiled innocently towards her mother, “Mother will look pretty no matter what!”

Your mother teared up and kneeled at your feet, hugging you tightly, “That’s so sweet of you, Y/N! Our little girl is such an angel!”

Your father mock-scowled at you before picking up and twirling you around. You squealed, laughing.

“Alright, alright. You win, Y/N”.

You laughed evilly behind his back. I win, mwahahahaha! Y/N will always be the winner!

Your family stopped in front of the bright red doors, the new white house shining, almost begging them to enter. The oh-so-familiar doorbell rang and you rocked back and forth on your heels expectedly.

The doors opened and your face exploded into a wide beam, “GOLDEN BOY!”, you screamed.

Luke came running out and jumped his small, scrawny body on yours, “ALETHEA!”

Your father sighed, “Luke really is a lot like his mother. Where did you two even get that name?”

Aunt May giggled at the two of them, “Oh the both of you are so cute! Come in, come in!”, she beckoned at them, “And mind you, but Alethea is a lovely name that means truth”, she jokingly scrunched up her nose at your father.

“There’s a reason why we didn’t name her honesty, May”, your mother laughed, “Our Y/N may be an angel but she’s not always the most truthful”.

You let go of Luke and slowly turned to your mother, eyes pearled with tears, “I-is Y/N not a good girl?”

Your mother smiled softy, “Y/N is the greatest girl in our lives. You're our little princess. Sometimes it’s good to not always tell the truth too”.

Y/N thought this over, Does that mean I can . . . lie?

You stared up at your mother and she winked at you. Your face lit up and hundreds of ideas popped into your head.

“Just as long as you don’t hurt anyone”, she warned. Your hope deflated and you pouted, humph! No fair!

“Don’t worry, Y/N”, Luke smiled kindly, “You don’t have to lie! Y/N is too kind to have to lie”.

Golden Boy's shiny aura was glittering again. Through scrunched eyes, you patted his head, “Aww, your too adorable Luke!”

Luke scowled, “I’m not adorable. Luke will be a big boy soon!”

“Yes, yes”, May nodded excitedly, “Our little Luke will be going to day care this year! It’s a shame he had to start when our Y/N had to leave”

Your mother sighed sadly, “At least they’ll see each other once Luke starts Primary”.

“Big kid school!”, Y/N said, lifting her hands up to the sky.

“Aww, I want to come with Y/N!”, Luke whined.

“Are you big enough for that, little man?”, Your father asked him.

Luke nodded enthusiastically and everyone laughed, much to his dismay.

Y/N took his hand and whispered in his ear, “Don’t worry Gold Boy. You’ll grow up in no time. And when you can go to my school, I’ll show you where I hide my secret stash of cookies”.

Luke’s eyes twinkled, “Really?”

“Really.”, You promised.

Soon after, Aunt May chased the two out for their date and put 3-year-old Luke to bed.

“He’s still a baby”, she whispered to Y/N who pouted at her sleeping best friend.

“Y/N feels lonely now”, she crossed her arms and frowned.

“Now, now, Y/N. Aunt May wants to have a little chat with you”.

Your skin pricked and you slowly turned around to face her, “C-chat?”

“Yes”, she cupped her hot cup of tea, “I’ve always known you were special, Alethea”, she smiled at you.

You cocked your head, “Special?”. Well of course Y/N is special! Y/N is Y/N!

“Very special”, Aunt May continued, “I knew since last Wednesday when Luke and I went on an outing with your family and you noticed all the centaurs and nymphs and mythical creatures around the town square. You paused and pointed them out to my Luke, whose mythical eyes haven’t been powered yet”.

You stared up at her, “What does that mean?”

“It means that all the odd-looking creatures you’ve seen . . . are real, Y/N”.

You gasped, “So can Aunt May see the funny animals too?! Has Aunt May seen the cyclops and mermaids and pegasi too?! That’s amazing! I always knew Y/N was right! Aunt May is so cool!”

Aunt May chuckled, “It might seem like that at first but being a clear-sighted mortal is scary too. So you must always be on guard and keep this a secret”, she turned serious.

“What? Why? The little animals are always so nice to me!”, You smiled.

Your aunt stared back at you with serious eyes, “Not all of them are kind, Y/N. Some might even want to kill you. If you tell anyone else while growing up, they’ll think you’re crazy. Keep this a secret for others and yourself”.

Y/N nodded slowly, “Yes, Aunt May”.

Silence hung over the two of you before you could bring yourself to ask the question.

“But can I still tell Golden Boy, Aunt?”, you asked, eyes brimming with hopeful tears.

Your aunt sighed in relief of your understanding and cuddled you close, “Of course, you can! Luke is a demigod, which means he’ll be able to see what you can see in a few more years”.

You didn’t know what some of those words meant but you smiled brightly, “Yay! Luke will be Y/N’s secret keeper! And since whoever knows about monsters might get killed, Y/N will get stronger to protect Luke!”

Aunt May’s face lit up in happiness, “Can you promise me that, Y/N?”

You saluted, “Y/N Miller, at your service, Aunt May!”

She clapped happily, “That’s perfect then! I’ll have you meet my husband and he can train you to become a heroine, Alethea! How does that sound?!”

Y/N paused. Husband? Aunt May’s husband hasn’t been here every time I visit. I haven’t met mr.Miller yet . . . but I’m excited.

“Okay!”, you cheered, “Y/N will be Luke’s knight in shining armour! Y/N will be like an Amazon!”.

“Yes, like an Amazon”, Aunt May smiled, wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, “Grow up quickly, Y/N and grow up stronger. I’ll have to trust you with my precious Luke, okay? Even if one day, things don’t go out the way I wanted, I want you to watch over him”.

Once again, Y/N didn’t understand most of what Aunt May was saying but she nodded determinedly anyways.

“I’m Golden Boy’s one and only big sister. I’ll watch over him even if you didn’t ask me to, Aunt”.

“Thank you, Y/N”, she sobbed, “My dearest Alethea. Thank you so much”.

You watched as the tears fell from her eyes and wondered what could have made her so emotional.

It wasn’t until years later that you understood her pain . . . and the promise you made to the boy you were eternally tied to.

Whatever it is, I'll still be Luke's guardian. No matter what happens, I'll do my best to protect him!

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